

Source guidelines: SLT responsibility and NAT campaign for digital inclusion

This is the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists' detailed statement of their responsibility to upskill the workforce and share their knowhow.  We think a development of this policy focussing on training for a new support work role of ...

NAT Progress Report – Summer 2018

Governance and structure The National Autistic Taskforce (NAT) has made significant progress since its inception at the beginning of 2018. The NAP Autistic Advisory Panel (AAP) was expanded to create the NAT strategy board (SB), ensuring representation from the four ...


The National Autistic Taskforce came into being thanks to a generous, open, unsolicited gift from Dame Stephanie Shirley.  We are doing our best to spend it wisely and to maximum effect.   We have been given a truly free hand to ...

A Positive Proposal  October 8th 2018 contact us  on positiveproposal@ (No, It’s Not Just About Autism…) This is the missive sent to the Task and Finish Groups advising the government about autism.  It’s important to note that it’s not just about autism ...

Update on NAT’s activities – January 2022

Representation and networking The NAT continues to be represented on: The executive board of EUCAP (the European Council of Autistic People), of which NAT is an associate member. The Operational Delivery Group for the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training (OMMT), convened ...

NAT Progress Report – Spring 2024

Governance and Management Leneh Buckle retired as a NAT director in April 2023 and we invited Jo Minchin to join the NAT Board. Public Relations This year we have undertaken significant updating of the NAT’s online presence. Our website has ...